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Sunrise Elementary School

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Sunrise Elementary School
Home of the Lions!

Arrival and Dismissal


For safety reasons, parents may not walk their children to the classroom before school. If your child will be joining us for breakfast, he or she should be at school at 8:00 am.  Breakfast in the classroom begins at 8:00 am; classes begin at 8:15. Students may arrive no earlier than 7:55 am and most students should enter through the gate closest to where they walk from.  Bike riders will need to always enter through the back gate.  Student restrooms will not be opened until after 8:00.  Students should be sure to use the restroom before leaving home in the morning. 


When children walk in after class has begun, not only have they missed important instructional time, but the entire class is disrupted due to the late arrival of the tardy student. Unexcused tardies may result in suspension. A tardy will only be excused when it is due to a medical or dental visit AND the parent comes to the office with the child to report the reason for the tardiness.


Walkers and Bike Riders

Students who walk home are dismissed through the gates at the northeast and southwest corners of the property (next to the crossing guards).  All students on bicycles will be asked to dismiss through the northeast gate as this is closest to the bike rack.


Siblings will wait for each other inside the gates.  Siblings will NOT wait outside classrooms for each other.


Car Riders and Daycare Vans

Car riders will be dismissed to the blue line from the Map area.  Families will be called as the cars arrive in the parking lot on the blue line.  Students who ride a daycare van will be called from the Map area when the daycare van arrives.


Kinder Specific Instructions

If a kindergarten car rider is the only family member attending school, parents will be allowed to pull up in the front loop/bus lane and pick up their student there.  If the kindergarten car rider is part of a larger family, the kindergartner will wait with siblings in the Map area and be picked up as part of the family.


If a kindergarten walker is the only family member attending school, parents will be allowed to pick up the student at the front gate.  If the kindergarten walker is part of a larger family, one sibling will pick them up and take them to the appropriate walker gate.




Regular Dismissal

Early Friday

Half Day









Car Riders





As your child’s safety is our primary concern, we may call the authorities if we have not heard from you and/or your child is not picked up after 30-minutes.


If it is necessary to pick up your child during school hours, please send a note to the child’s teacher to inform them of your intentions. This will help in your child being ready with a backpack and materials saving time when you arrive. For the safety and protection of your child, you must come to the office, with your photo ID, to sign him/her out. Your child will then be called to the office. To avoid disruption to the class at the end of the day, no students will be dismissed after 2:30 PM (1:00 on PLC Fridays). 


  • Your child will NOT be released to anyone except his/her parents or the responsible parties listed on the Emergency Medical Information Card.

  • Parents and other adults picking up students at school MUST provide photo identification. 

  • A note or telephone call IS NOT SUFFICIENT to have your child released from school. 



Students are encouraged to practice safety precautions when walking to and from school.  Crosswalks and/or crossing guards are provided at the intersections of 31st Avenue and Grovers,  and 32nd Avenue and Campo Bello. All students should follow the directions of the crossing  guards and should always walk on the sidewalk. Students should be encouraged to use well traveled routes and to walk with a “buddy” whenever possible.



Students in grades 1 through 6 are permitted to ride bicycles to and from school. Kindergarten students are NOT permitted to ride bikes to school. Students who ride bicycles must assume all responsibilities and risks involved. The school is not liable for vandalized or lost bicycles. Bicycles must be parked and locked in the bike rack at the north end of the campus. Each student must have his or her own lock and not share with anyone – not with brothers, sisters, or friends. While on campus, students are to walk their bicycles. Bicycles must be walked on all sidewalks surrounding the school and must be walked across crosswalks. Bike riding is NOT permitted in the parking lot at any time.


Mini-bikes, motorcycles, skateboards, scooters, roller skates, roller sneakers, and roller blades  are NOT permitted on ANY Deer Valley School District campus. Please keep these items at  home. 



For the safety of all of our students, we must insist that if you transport your child by car and choose to utilize the pick-up/drop-off lane, PLEASE follow the traffic flow pattern described below.   


ENTER the parking lot at 31st Avenue only. Traffic is to proceed one way following the “blue zone” and continue toward the exit of the parking lot; please do not stop midway in this area. Parking, that is leaving your vehicle unattended, is NOT permitted in the blue zone; please remain in your vehicle and continue to move forward as you wait for your child. Students will be permitted to cross the driveway ONLY at the crosswalk. They may wait for rides on the sidewalk along the  “blue zone.” Please proceed slowly through this area. EXIT the parking lot at Campo Bello only.  (See the parking lot map below.) 


Only kinder only parents (no older siblings), buses, licensed day care vans, delivery vehicles, and emergency vehicles are permitted to  use the driveway closest to the building at any time. In addition, the bus lane on 31st Avenue is  for buses only. Please do not use this lane for dropping off and picking up your children. Also, we  ask that you do not park on either side of the bus lane in order to allow our buses the adequate clearance they need to turn in and out of the bus lane. Please Note: Per AAC Code R17-9-104- LB: There is to be NO parking in the loading/unloading zone lane at any time.  


If you must leave your vehicle, park only in designated parking stalls. Of course, to avoid the  congestion of the parking lot, you may choose to wait for your child along the perimeter streets  surrounding the school. Be sure to let your child know where your “meeting” place will be. Parents  who choose to pick up or drop off on the perimeter streets must exercise extreme caution and  park along the curb that is closest to school property. According to Arizona State Traffic Laws,  it is unlawful to drop off or pick up students at the school on the opposite side of any street  upon which the school is located.