Hearing and Vision Screening
Hearing/Vision Screenings
Hearing Screenings are done for all New to district students, all students who receive services through the special education department, all Preschool, all Kindergarten, all 1st grade, all 3rd grade and all 5th grade students each school year. Vision Screenings are done for all New to district students, all students who receive services through the special education department, all Preschool, all Kindergarten, all 1st grade, all 2nd grade, all 3rd grade, all 4th grade, all 5th grade and all 6th grade students each school year. Parents and teachers can request a screening for any student at any time when concern arises. Vision referral letters are sent home to notify parents if the students have difficulty with any portion of the vision screening. Students who have difficulty with an initial hearing screening will be tested again in 10-30 school days, and if they are still having difficulty hearing all the tones, the student will be referred to the school audiologist. Parent/Guardian will be notified with a referral letter. Hearing and vision screenings are only screenings- not an exam. When the student does not pass a screening- the referral is sent out for parent to seek further medical exam from a physician to further evaluate the child's needs of vision or hearing impairments if needed.
Audiology(Hearing) services are a related service, as defined by Federal Regulations of IDEA 2004 (34 CFR 300.34(a)). Audiology services may be provided to all students within the district in accordance with the Arizona State Revised Statutes (Chapter 7.2 Article 1 section 36-899). Visually impaired services are a special education service or related service, as defined by Federal Regulations of IDEA 2004. These Regulations allow the school to identify any health concerns that may affect a student's learning experience. The screenings are required for all new students within 45 days of attending school. Students are screened while at school. Contact Nurse Penny for additional information or requests of screenings.